The European Network on Inclusive Education & Disability, incluD-ed, promoted by Fundación ONCE, is a collaborative and multi-stakeholder initiative whose primary goals are promoting, identifying, disseminating and exchanging good practice on inclusive education for people with disabilities across Europe, in order to promote opportunities for employability and working inclusion. It is a network co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme "Fight Against Discrimination 2007-2013".
incluD-ed is centred around specific European cities, that develop a community of different players such as Local Promoting Groups (LPGs), comprising of local authorities, schools, universities, companies, public services, local associations, experts and other stakeholders who work together to promote initiatives in the areas of inclusive education and disability.
Four organisations, the partners of the network, act as the coordinating agency in each European city: Association des Paralysés de France (APF), Fundación ONCE, Kynnys ry and Rytmus.