The National Organization of Disabled People in Romania (ONPHR)

Federatia ONPHR - National Organization of Disabled People in Romania Federation was founded in 1994 and it is a non-governmental, humanitarian, human rights, apolitical and non-profit organization. It consists of non-governmental organizations of persons with disabilities, developing programs to equalize opportunities, integration and their inclusion inside the society. The Federation has 34 member organizations, bringing together over 75 associations and foundations representing the interests of over 150,000 people with disabilities. ONPHR programs and initiatives are aiming to extend and strengthen the organization in a powerful federation, to communicate with national and international society at all its levels, in one voice.
Público objetivo
People with disabilities and disabled people's organizations.
The main purpose of the ONPHR Federation is to contribute to the change of the destiny of persons with disabilities by promoting the concept of independent living for all and unrestricted participation in social life. Among these, we consider essential the following: Legal advice on disability. Improve the quality of development assistance and recovery services, rehabilitation and support for disabled people. Assistance towards a growth of the quality and the development of the recovery services. Access to resource centers for information and training. Consultancy for accessing grants. ONPHR has structured its offer of services so that any association or organization that provides services for persons with disabilities can benefit from it. The companies that hire disabled people have in the ONPHR Federation a partner who offers support and advice on legal and regulatory framework on employment of persons with disabilities.
Otra información
Since August 1995, ONPHR is a full member of Disabled Peoples International (DPI) and it has a representative in the Regional Council (DPI-Europe). ONPHR is one of the initiators and founding members of the National Disability Council in Romania (CNDR). ONPHR makes part of the National Network of european information multipliers ‘Networking Europe’ initiated by the European Commission Delegation in Romania ONPHR is the initiator and founding member of the federation of community social services "Equality – Romania” (PARRO). ONPHR is a partner of EDF – European Disability Forum, through CNDR.