An Inclusive Education Guide for Families
This toolkit has been created by the six partners involved in the
‘Family Partnerships for Inclusive Education’ project, funded by Grundtvig. The project partners are: Alliance for Inclusive Education (UK) , APF-Association des Paralysés de France (France), UNAPEI (France), Associazione DarVoce (Italy), Associata RENINCO (Romania) and Sjalfsbjörg ISF (Iceland).
What Do We Hope This Guide Will Do?
Inspire, motivate and empower parents, support you to be an ally to your child, strengthen your expectation of a positive future for your disabled young person and yourselves Introduce to you our idea of full inclusion and give you the tools, support and information you need to move towards it, shift the focus onto your children's rights in education - to be equally valued, to have their learning needs met, their communication needs met, to have friends, to have a voice about their school, show and explain the difference between integration and inclusion, let you hear the voice of disabled people (see Disabled people's guide), and give you a different way of thinking about what disables a person - the social and medical models of disability, show you that you are not alone and provide some contact points (see contacts list at end of report and useful contacts page at: and give good information you can pass on to other family members and friends about how they can support you.