Forum for the Educational Inclusion of Students with Disabilities

Tue, 03/05/2011
The Forum for the Educational Inclusion of Students with Disabilities is a space to meet, share, debate, put forward, promote and follow-up inclusion policies of students with disabilities in all educational stages of the schooling system. This educational body comprises, for the first time, all inclusion efforts and initiatives undertaken in all educational stages (including higher education as well).
The Forum’s aim is to raise awareness, educate and promote a collaboration and coordination conscience in public administrations, institutions, private companies, teaching professionals and students so that they become involved in the integration of this population segment.
Project object:
The Forum is a space to meet, debate, propose, promote and follow-up the inclusion policites of students with disabilities in all educational stages. It is the only educational body with institutional representation that comprises the responsibles of all sectorial higher organisms from the Ministry of Education in Spain, encompassing all educational spectrum.
This Forum has the following objectives: to facilitate the exchange of opinions between public institutions and civic organisations with an interest in educational inclusion of this group of students; to share information about programmes and activities undertaken by different public administrations on that area; to debate and present proposals and recommendations to the Ministry of Education; and to channel the proposals of the associations movement in order to improve public policy and actions.
Promoting studies about projects related with educational and social inclusion of students with discapacities is also one of the aims of the Forum, as well as promoting action policies at the state and autonomy level in order to improve the attention these students receive; to keep in touch with other similar bodies on an international level so as to know good practices for their implementation in Spain, or to follow-up on policies applied to students with disabilities.
The Forum works through two committees, which meet at least once every semester. One is about Educational and Vocational Training, and it is presided by Mario Bedera, secretary of State of Education and Vocational Training (and first vice-president of the Forum); the other is presided by the General Secretary of Universities, Màrius Rubiralta, who acts as second vice-president. With this, the Forum becomes one of the educational bodies of higher rank in institutional representation.
The third vice-president of the Forum is Luis Cayo, president of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI). The Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality is also represented in the Forum for Educational Inclusion of Students with Disabilities.
The functions of the Forum are carried out through reports, proposals and recommendations.
The Forum prepares yearly a report about the initiatives undertaken and about the situation of students with disabilities in Spain.
The Forum is addressed to students with disabilities, their families, teaching professionals and members of the association movements and public institutions.
Good practice innovations
The Forum is the only educational body with institutional representation that comprises the responsibles of all sectorial higher organisms from the Ministry of Education in Spain, encompassing all educational spectrum.
Good practice achievements
Since 2002, a Forum of Disabilities already existed, derived from the collaboration protocol signed between the Ministry of Education (then Ministry of Education and Culture) and the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI). Their activities were restricted to non-university education only. The new Forum is a unique body which will also promote initiatives for the inclusion of students in higher education, and therefore in all educational stages.
Project partners and other stakeholders
Ministry of Education in Spain and CERMI.
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