Inclusion Ireland

Inclusion Ireland is the national organization advocating for the rights of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland. Established in 1961, our vision is of a society where people with intellectual disabilities live and participate in the community with equal rights as citizens. Our focus is on the realization of the core principles and values expressed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Supporting the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability and challenging practices that lead to exclusion.
Inclusion Ireland supports families and self-advocates through information provision and advocacy in vindicating their rights, such as the right to an inclusive education, the right to continuing education, further training, a job, a place to live and to be an active part of their community.
Inclusion Ireland monitors and makes submissions on legislation and policy that has an impact on the lives of people with a disability.
We also campaign for the introduction of legislation and standards that protect the rights of people with a disability. Inclusion Ireland were to the fore in campaigning for the ‘Assisted Decision Making’ legislation currently before the Irish parliament and led the campaign for the introduction of inspections of residential centre’s for people with a disability which began in 2013.
Inclusion Ireland has representatives on national committees involved in the reform of post secondary school training and day services for people with a disability, the reform of health therapies that support children of school age, the closure of residential institutions and the National Council for Special Education. We also support family members to take part in these fora.
Priority areas for Inclusion Ireland in the education sphere are:
- > The full implementation of the Education of Persons with Special Education Needs Act which will support the education of children in an inclusive manner.
- > The reform of teacher training to include modules on special educational needs.
- > The widening of options for school leavers to include further education and training outside of the health sphere.
Other information
Inclusion Ireland publications include ‘a chance to learn’ and ‘a chance to work’. Our position paper ‘Implementing the National Disability Strategy’ contains many recommendations on the full inclusion of persons with a disability in Irish life.