Fundación ONCE
The Fundación ONCE (ONCE Foundation for the Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities) was founded in 1988 by ONCE (the National Organisation of Spanish Blind) as an instrument of cooperation and solidarity from the Spanish blind towards other people with disabilities in order to improve their living conditions. In addition to the ONCE itself as the founding entity, the principal organisations for people with disabilities are represented in Fundación ONCE, through its maximum governing body, the Board of Trustees.
It also includes CERMI (Comité Español de Representantes de las Personas con Discapacidad – The Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disability), a platform that unites the main organisations for people with disabilities in Spain, bringing together more than 4,000 associations and entities, which represent the 3,8 million people with disabilities, and their families, that live in Spain.
Since 2000, Fundación ONCE has managed the Operational Programme (OP) “Fight against Discrimination”, co-financed by the European Social Fund, now in the period 2007-2013. Within this framework, many activities have been implemented to promote the employability of people with disabilities, considering education and training as key factors in obtaining better jobs. One of these activities, within the transnational cooperation pillar of the OP, is the development of the European Network on Inclusive Education and Disability, incluD-ed. This network is being promoted with coherence to Fundación ONCE main objectives.