Inclusion Week 2013 "All means all" - an initiative by Rytmus - Get Involved!
Lun, 04/11/2013 - Dom, 10/11/2013
incluD-ed network partner Rytmus and the Czech association “People in Need” are organising the International Inclusion Week 2013, which will from 4th to 10th November 2013.
This initiative, celebrated every year since 2006, seeks to underline the importance of creating inclusive environments in schools, to acknowledge diversity and to look for ways to overcome barriers to learning and participation in all school communities. Together Rytmus, its partners and the incluD-ed network want to support the move towards greater inclusion in educational settings as well as in our societies in general.
Pre-schools, schools, colleges and universities, non-government organisations (NGOs), arts bodies, government, commerce and other organisations in all countries are encouraged to join the Inclusion Week and to organise events as part of this international celebration. The overall aim is to promote joint actions involving students with disabilities in mainstream schools.
Activities during the Inclusion week: a few ideas for inspiration...
- - Kindergarten and nursery centers can organize a common afternoon inviting parents and children with disabilities, joint artistic, theatrical or musical activities or plan a common trip to the theatre or the zoo.
- - Primary schools may organize a common lesson or project for pupils from mainstream and special schools or do creative and artistic activities together. Equally primary schools can organize an “Open Day” focusing on the integration of SEN pupils.
- - High schools can organize discussions about the involvement of young people with special educational needs in their school inviting SEN students to their classrooms. Common sports activities or other activities for students with and without special educational needs are highly encouraged.
- - Universities can organise lectures on the topic of inclusion and inclusive education inviting experts of the field or organise a workshop on inclusion for future teachers.
- - NGOs and public institutions can invite children with disabilities to little tours or to visit public institutions or organise seminars on e.g. Person centered planning for teachers. Parent and other associations that support inclusion of children with disabilities in schools are encouraged to cooperate.
- - The Media is highly encouraged to inform about the Inclusion Week and to publish examples of good practice, interviews, and reports of the involvement of SEN students into mainstream education. They can write about the activities of schools and non-profit organizations in the area of Inclusive Education taking place during the Inclusion Week and throughout the year.
The success of the Inclusion Week depends on a good and effective PR strategy in order to attract local and national media. Highlighting effective inclusive practices in all countries are a key part of the Week.
Join the Inclusion Week and its preparation and help us with the promotion, dissemination and sharing of information about the Inclusion Week in order to reach the broadest possible range of people. You can support the action by placing a banner on your site, posting invitations to an event or promoting activities taking place during the Inclusion Week.
Connect with your own activities, events, programs! Subscribe to the ideas and values of inclusion. We will inform about your activity and share your experience!
Collaborating organizations will be listed on the upcoming website for Inclusion Week 2013.
For more information on the Inclusion Week, contact coordinator David Rygel