Publication “Good Practices from Around Europe” Coming Soon
Vie, 30/11/2012
The European Network on Inclusive Education& Disability, incluD-ed, will present at the beginning of 2013 a new publication titled “Inclusive Education & Disability. Good Practices from around Europe”. The publication will contain seven good practices on inclusive education identified and carried out by the incluD-ed network partners. These experiences and good practices are related to the four areas of the network: secondary education, transition to further educational levels, transition towards adult life and the workplace, and new technologies for inclusive education. The aim of this publication is to become an inspiring tool, based on successful experiences that have already been implemented in different European cities, for and by people and professionalsinvolved in the inclusive education field.
The good practices range from actions that increase and adapt IT skills and to its adaptation for people with disabilities to support young students with disabilities so that they can develop their skills and train in an environment that will guarantee their rights and increase their employability.
The practices described in the field of the transition to other educational levels from secondary education include an awareness project for university-level students with disabilities assistance through technology devices and IT, and the publication of a set of recommendations in order to foster accessibility of higher education and university for people with disabilities.
Each practice describes concisely the specific steps of the action, the target audience, the role of the people with disabilities that have participated in the practice, and the contact details of the organisation that has developed the action, so that the reader may contact them for further information.
The target audience of these good practices is very broad: from organisations to associations, public institutions, professionals, families and teachers that work direct or indirectly with people with disabilities in order to facilitate their inclusion in all aspects of life. The aim of the publication by the incluD-ed network is therefore to become a practical tool and a reference in the field of inclusive education.
The aim of this good practice publication is to become a reference for other organisations and professionals working in the field of inclusive education who may implement these practices, adapting them to their own realities, and enriching them in the process.