Crowdsourcing & Solidarity Pre-Employment - The Cloud at the Service of Persons with Disabilites
Telework has a huge potential for persons with disabilities notably by improving one’s employability in many situations:
- Chronic diseases / handicap that requires frequent or permanent treatments (oxygen-dependent patient, dialysis, or someone otherwise dependent upon a specific medical or traitement that cannot be transporter or accomplished at the workplace, etc.)
- Chronic diseases / handicap that require public contact avoidance (such as immuno-depressed patients, persons suffering from severe pneumopathy, etc)
- Chronic diseases / handicap that suppose avoiding some environmental factors (pollens in severe allergic asthma, pollution in respiratory diseases, etc)
- Persons who cannot drive to the workplace or do not have transportation compatible with their handicap/health state.
- To reduce work-related pain and fatigue
- Persons with severe mobility issues
Project object:
The project "Crowdsourcing & Solidarity Pre-Employment - The Cloud at the Service of persons with Disabilites" (Crowdsourcing et Pré-Emplois Solidaires: Le Cloud au Service du Handicap) aims at:
- Job creation
- Job placement
- Improve Employability using telework
- Pool several part-time contracts to create jobs (at least 6 months)
- Telework and Disabilities Advocacy
- Set up a résumé database for persons with disabilities seeking telework jobs
Visiowork has been successful in improving employability in some specific situation (as mentioned above) for at least 7 years. Considering the specific constraints of our target beneficiaries, no other working practice has shown better results in order to combine handicap and chronic diseases with professional obligations.
Ex@sso’s expertise is based upon other experiences, notably the experience of Ex@services, an enterprise that has developed handicap jobs opportunities, most of which based on telecommuting activities (medical secretariat in particular).
- Persons with disabilities (including health issues such as chronic diseases) looking for telecommuting jobs (telework) in order to cope with both professional obligations and personal constraints (specific handicap, treatments, mobility issues, etc.)
- Persons taking care of persons with disabilities or chronic diseases
- Future employers
Innovation de bonnes pratiques
Visiowork (Visiotravail) is a specific telework / telecommuting practice (called visiotravail in France) to avoid isolation problems/fears which may arise (while telecommuting) and reassure possible future employers.
In short it combines a webcam telecommuting system with a Cloudtype platform.
Réalisation de bonnes pratiques
Almost 20 persons in France have worked via this specific system since 2007. Currently 3 persons work regularly using this method every day.
Partenaires du projet et autres intéressés
Dot River
Networkvisio / EntreprisePartners
Témoignage de bonnes pratiques
Many testimonials in French, most of them included in Keratos’ report on some specific pathologies / handicaps and telework (pages 22 to 29) available at : (Please download the following document: pathologiesdelasurfaceoculaireettl-visio-travail.2012.pdf rapport Keratos sur le télétravail et le handicap)
Self-evaluation and testimonials.
The project was evaluated by Keratos and [im]Patients Chroniques et Associés (patient association and the French chronic diseases coalition) , which became project partners .
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