Association RENINCO Romania

Association RENINCO Romania: The National Network for Information and Cooperation to Support Community Integration.
Asociatia RENINCO Romania is a national non-profit organization composed of active NGOs and other organizations (including parent organizations of persons with disabilities), various professionals and parents active in promoting community involvement responding to the special educational needs of children and youngsters, derived from a disability or other conditions.
General aim/mission of RENINCO: to support and encourage community integration and the inclusion of children and youngsters with special educational needs, derived from disabilities or other conditions, through educational and social measures.
RENINCO is one of the leading NGOs in Romania fighting for the educational and social inclusion of all children and youngsters. RENINCO has several members that work with Romanian universities from Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Sibiu, Constanta and that promote inclusive education.
RENINCO has had a solid cooperation with international and European organizations (UNICEF, UNESCO, European Disability Forum), with national ministries (National Education, Labour and Social Protection), national organizations of people with disabilities, universities and research institutions, educational authorities as well as schools.
RENINCO Network had comprised over the last 15 years over 50 active NGOs and 500 professionals and parents.
Público objetivo
Professionals in the field of education and parents, children and youngsters with special educational needs (derived from a disability or from other conditions), their families, authorities’ representatives and policy makers.
Training courses
- - for teachers in mainstream schools, on integrated and inclusive education for children with special needs (600 teachers all over Romania)
- - for itinerant/support teachers from all counties (200 people)
- - for training the trainers for staff working in residential institutions for children with disabilities (100 people)
- - for parents of children with disabilities (100 persons)
- - for educational managers such as school directors and inspectors (200 people)
- - for the professionals involved in the assessment of children with disabilities (100 persons)
- - for teachers in special schools (100 teachers)
- - for inspectors and mangers in preschool and primary education (100 people)
Action-research and studies
- - Assessment/expertise for children with disabilities (2000)
- - Developing instruments for educational assessment of children with disabilities (2001, published in 2002)
- - Developing a curriculum for children with severe and profound disabilities (2001 - 2002)
- - Situation Analysis of the Integration Process for Children with Disabilities in Ordinary Schools and the Need for Support (Oct. 2001 – Jan. 2002)
- - Developing a Guide for the assessment of the children with disabilities (2003)
- - Early identification and intervention on children with disabilities (2003)
- - Adolescents with disabilities, their needs and rights (2004)
- - The activity of the support/itinerant teachers in Romania – study in 11 counties and Bucharest (2005-2006)
- - The situation of children with autism in Romania (2006)
- - Piloting an OECD instrument for data collection in schools regarding SEN pupils (2007)
- - Inclusive education in primary schools (2012)
Main publications
- - Integrated education for children with disabilities, UNICEF & RENINCO, 1998
- - RENINCO White Book, RENINCO & UNICEF, 1999 (translated into Russian in 2007)
- - Teaching Guide for Children with Special Educational Needs, RENINCO & UNICEF, 2000
- - Let’s communicate with pleasure, UNICEF and RENINCO, 2002
- - Set of instruments and tests for the educational assessment of children with disabilities, UNICEF and RENINCO, 2003
- - Guide for itinerant/support teachers, UNICEF, MEC & RENINCO, 2005
- - Steps towards inclusive education in Romania, UNICEF, MEC & RENINCO, 2008
- - The premises for inclusive education in the kindergartens, UNICEF, MECTS & RENINCO, 2010
- - The educational inclusion of children with special needs, UNICEF, MECTS & RENINCO, 2010
- - Models and forms of educational support in inclusive settings, French Embassy in Bucharest and RENINCO, 2011
- - Inclusive education in the kindergarten. Dimensions, challenges and solutions, UNICEF & RENINCO, 2012
- - Promoting inclusive education in the primary school. Guide for teachers, parents and educational managers, UNICEF & RENINCO, 2013
Otra información
Apart from over 20 translations and reports linked to the organizations’ mission, RENINCO was, alongside UNICEF Romania, a main initiator and active promoter for the translation and validation into Romanian of the WHO International Classification for Functioning, Disability of Health (WHO 2001, Romania 2004) including the version for children and Youth (WHO 2007, Romania 2013).
RENINCO partners: UNICEF Romania, UNESCO, European Disability Forum, OECD, Ministry of Education (Romania), National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption (now a department in the Ministry of Labor), Ministry of Health, National Authority for People with Handicap (former State Secretariat for People with Handicap) – now a department in the Labor Ministry, Universities of Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara, Sibiu and Constanta, Institute of Educational Sciences, National Council of Disability in Romania (and its 7 founding members), World Vision Romania, World Learning and USAID, EU Delegation in Romania (since 2007), French Embassy in Romania, Dutch Embassy in Romania, Local educational and child protection authorities, National and local NGOs.
Board of Directors (2012-2015)
- - Ecaterina Vrasmas, President, Bucharest University
- - Doina Tudorica¸ Vicepresident, APAHAM Cluj, mother
- - Stanciu Monica, Vicepresident, parent and expert, Bucharest
- - Zenaida Andronic, Craiova, retired teacher
- - Scraba Gabriela, member, Bucharest, mother, Radio Romania
- - Damian Benone, member, Director of the Center for Inclusive Education in Romania
- - Geta Boici, member, Director of Primavara Center in Resita;
- - Alois Ghergut, University of Iassy
- - Letitia Baba, Foundation Speranta Timisoara
- - Lucia Gavrilita, Speranta, Chisinau
- - Alexandra Marin, Bucuresti
- Social venue and program assistant: Atelierului Street No. 25, sector 1, Bucharest (School no.1, Sfintii Voievozi)
- Tel. 021/312 96 05
- President – Ecaterina Vrasmas, mobile: 0040 723 613 531
- Projects coordinator - Traian Vrasmas, mobile: 0040 723 144 517
- Projects assistant – Manuela Voicu, mobile: 0040 726 761 8 81
- Email: