DISES International Round Table “Moving Toward Engagement for Inclusion in Challenging Contexts”
Mon, 23/02/2015
The DISES International Round Table “Moving Toward Engagement for Inclusion in Challenging Contexts” will take place on August 2-6, 2015 in Jerusalem and Bethlehem (Israel & Palestine).
Topic Areas:
Topic 1: Sharing research, scholarship, and practices in international education for vulnerable children
DISES Goal – To foster the dissemination of knowledge in international special needs education to improve the well-being of vulnerable children
Topic 2: Offering examples of international collaborations in the education for vulnerable children
DISES Goal – To foster and strengthen collaborative partnerships in international special needs education to improve the well-being of vulnerable children
Topic 3: Discussing international policies and advocating for human rights for vulnerable children and their families
DISES Goal – To promote advocacy for human rights of all vulnerable children
Focus of Round Table Conversations
In this unique round table, we will explore issues of access and policy for vulnerable children, particularly in situations of conflict and sociopolitical unrest.
For the purpose of these conversations, vulnerable children and adolescents will include
- - those whose ability status is atypical (i.e., sensory impairments, behavioral disorders, intellectual and/or physical disabilities)
- - youth whose support system is compromised those who have experienced trauma.
The Round Table format is unique in that it is designed to promote conversation around a topic rather than simply a presentation of a paper as is typical for many conference venues. Therefore the number of participants is limited to 20 – 25 per round table. Because the structure is designed to allow for conversation and to promote a sense of community among participants, attendees gather together for meals and cultural excursions in addition to the structured academic time. In an effort to establish cohesive collective, Round Table attendees will participate in one topic area only.
The Round Table Program will include guided tours of Jerusalem and Bethlehem with a particular emphasis on sites that provide historical context of conflict.
- Conference website