The incluD-ed Local Promoting Group Madrid proposes modifications to the reform proposal of the Spanish education law LOMCE
Mon, 03/06/2013
On June 3, 2013, the Local Promoting Group of Madrid consisting of a wide variety of universities, enterprises and Spanish entities analyzed and discussed the reform proposal of the Spanish education law LOMCE. The debate has been conducted from the perspective of people with disabilities to ensure that the objectives of inclusion adopted both in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 that all EU member countries, including Spain, have ratified.
The workshop methodology allowed dividing the LPG Madrid in different working groups. Each working group focused on one aspect of the reform law proposal: governance bodies and operation, nursery, primary and secondary education, new technologies etc. The formed groups kept their different multidisciplinary views that are the basis of the Local Promoting Group Madrid, thus ensuring a plural and comprehensive analysis of the proposed law.
The result of the meeting was a document that shows and outlines the different observations and recommended amendments on the proposal LOMCE Act in order to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the Spanish educational system, eliminating any type of disintegration or disadvantage. The document was sent to the Spanish Council of Ministers following the channels available for this purpose.