incluD-ed meets EU representatives and key actors in Brussels
Wed, 29/05/2013
Tatiana Mora from the incluD-ed Secretariat, will attend on behalf of the incluD-ed network the conference “Young People and Mental Health: Intervention and Early Intervention in Europe” taking place on the 30th May in Brussels and organised by Public Policy Exchange UK.
The event will bring together a wide variety of stakeholders to discuss current challenges of the prevention and Early Intervention in Europe in young people with mental health in Europe. The network will use this occasion to make some key contacts and present the network’s work (Good Practice publication, good practice criteria, position papers...).
Furthermore, Ms Mora will meet different EU representatives and other key actors in the field of inclusive education on the 29th and 30th May. Among them:
- - Ms. Flora Bellour (Policy Officer Assistant) and Ms. Laura Vesajoki (Project Assistant) from the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
- - Mr. Ádám Kósa, MEP in the European Parliament and member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Mr Kósa is also the President of the Disability Intergroup Group and widely known and recognized for his engagement for people with disabilities.
- Find his report on mobility and inclusion of people with disabilities and the European Strategy 2010- 2020 here
- - Mrs. Alba Prieto González (Project Adviser - Erasmus Networks and Fostering the Excellence and Innovation in Higher Education) from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and the unit Lifelong Learning Program
- - Javier Güemes (Deputy Director) from the European Disability Forum
- - Ms. Elina Jokisalo (Communications Officer) from the European Schoolnet EUN Partnership AISBL
Next to presenting the network’s work, possibilities of future collaboration and support will be discussed. The network will offer its knowledge to participate in conferences, seminars and expert groups on EU level.