Warm welcome by APF association for the third meeting of the incluD-ed Network in Paris
Fri, 29/06/2012
On June 15th, the third meeting of the incluD-ed Network took place in the premises of Association des Paralysés de France in Paris. The objective of this meeting was to share the latest achievements of the network and of each partner, to evaluate the network activities and to define future actions. Furthermore, the website of the network was officially launched and the good practice publication, that will be available soon, was presented.
In the morning sessions, each partner presented their latest achievements and the next actions to come in their cities. All participants discussed the challenges they hadencountered and listened attentively to the innovative ideas and practices in the field of inclusive education each partner carried out. Kynnys association plans an educational seminar in August 2012, APF will organise a meeting for service providers, Rhytmus association works on a model/pilot project of an inclusive school in a city in the South-West of the Czech Republic and Fundación ONCE carries out two studies on how to improve inclusive practices in Spanish universities.
In the following sessions, the next steps of the network were discussed. Each partner agreed on disseminating the network’s website as well as the good practice publication within their contacts and to invite more experts and organisations to join the network. The networks activities on a local level will be assessed by the LPG members in each city. News about each member’s activities as well as of events will be published monthly on the website. The translation of the website into French, and the good practice publication as well, is envisaged in the future.
For 2013, the goal is to reinforce the European dimension of the network. This will be done by inviting new organisations to join the network and to play an active part within and to cooperate with other European networks on inclusive education. In order to prepare the ground for future policy influencing on EU level, the network will get in contact with EU representatives in the field of inclusive education and will eventually participate in conferences and events to improve the visibility of the network. The LPGs will continue their consolidation efforts and share good practices of inclusive educations initiatives.
The afternoon session ended with a presentation of APF and its activities in France. The next meeting of the network in planned for January 2013.