Universal Instructional Design. Implementation Guide, Faculty Workbook and Workbook for Faculty Distance Teaching - University of Guelph
Universal Instructional Design
Curriculum that is designed to support a broad spectrum of learners with divergent backgrounds and learning styles benefits all learners, including those with disabilities.
The following is a list of Universal Instructional Design resources.
> University of Guelph Teaching Support Services (TSS)
Universal Instructional Design (UID) Homepage
Internal and External UID resources including a U of G UID web forum.
Universal Instructional Design Implementation Guide
The UID Implementation Guide features the “7 Principles” poster and offers practical guidelines one can follow when designing or adapting a course with consideration of these principles.
Universal Instructional Design: Faculty Workbook
Anticipating and planning for the diverse needs of students, including but not limited to students with disabilities, results in a better learning experience for all students. Universal Instructional Design (UID) can result in fewer individual accommodations, saved time for instructors, reduced possible stigma associated with asking for special accommodation, and a greater sense of equity and fairness for students.
Universal Instructional Design: A workbook for Faculty Teaching at a Distance
This workbook is for faculty and instructional developers who are in the process of planning or revising a predominantly “distance” course and are interested in making it more consistent with UID principles.
> TSS Universal Instructional Design Guides:
- Teaching Assistants
- Lecture Guide
- Assigned Readings
- Group Activities
- Creating Websites
- Grading Assignments
- Lab Work
- Physical Space
- Creating a Syllabus
- Visual Aides
- Institutional Supports
> External Resources
Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for designing curricula that enable all individuals to gain knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm for learning. UDL provides rich supports for learning and reduces barriers to the curriculum while maintaining high achievement standards for all.